
Although each service exposes different endpoints depending on the requirements of that business entity and workflow, there are some standards that each service complies with. These standard endpoints ensure that you can navigate to each service easily and quickly.

Url Path

The full Url to reach a service is made up of three component parts, and it is the combination of these that gives the full Url for each endpoint. There component parts are:

API Gateway

The root of the Url is the API gateway location, and this depends upon which of the Environments you are accessing

Service root

The second part of the Url is the path to the specific service root, and can be found in the specific service documentation


The final part of the Url is the endpoint being called, and can be found in the specific service documentation

An example would be to call the UAT “Get All Generic Deals” endpoint in the Deals service;

Service Root: /book-building/deals
Endpoint: /v1/deals

Health Check

Every service in the CAS system exposes a healthcheck endpoint that can be used to confirm the current status of that service. This endpoint will return a 200 http status if the service is in a health state and can always be found at /hc/status. For example, the deals service healthcheck can be found at https://api.uat.us-cas.ipreo.com/book-building/deals/hc/status.

Open Api/Swagger

Another endpoint that all services expose is that of the Swagger/Open Api definition. This can be used to give a view of the full set of endpoints for a service, as well as concise view of the schema required for each endpoint. You can also use this to generate client stub code using well known client generation code that can be found for most commonly used languages.